We're only taking and selecting 12 CEOs for the New Mavericks CEO Mind Mastery program 
Apply by the 31st July to claim your spot now...
We're only taking and selecting 12 CEOs for the CEO Mind Mastery program 
Apply by the 6th December to claim your spot...


Develop Even More of Your CEO Leadership Mind to Go Beyond Recessionary Pressure &
Make High Pressure Impactful Decisions that Create, Protect & Build Better Business with Minimal Stress 
There are only 12 spots available, we're taking applications till 31st December to give you 
the quality attention and support you deserve. 

If This Page Is Online Right Now
Then A Few Spots are Still Available...
Are You Ready to GO Beyond 
pressure to protected achievement & progress?
We'll PERSONALLY Work With You One-On-Two and / or in a group of 12 CEOs further enhance your mental capacity to better decide in creating, protecting & building on your achievement & progress.
Click YES! Let's Talk Now 
to schedule a call or email support@newmavericks.com 
to ask questions & confirm your spot!


Go Beyond Recessionary Pressure to Precise Mission Critical Decision Making without Over Analyzing

Develop Even More of Your 
CEO Leadership Mind to
Make High Pressure Impactful Decisions that Create, Protect & Build Better Business with Minimal Stress 

Are You Ready to 
GO Beyond 
pressure to protected achievement & progress?
We'll PERSONALLY Work With You One-On-Two and / or in a group of 12 CEOs to put you on the 
path to even greater protected achievement!
There are only 12 spots available, we're taking applications till Tuesday 6th December to give 
you the quality attention and support you deserve. 

If This Page Is Online Right NowThen A Few Spots are Still Available...

Click YES! Let's Talk Now to schedule a call or email support@newmavericks.com to 
ask any questions & confirm your spot!
Read This Before Going ANY Further
From The Desk Of Raamon Newman
Co Founder / CEO New Mavericks
Kauai, Hawaii

As you know, being a CEO is not for the faint hearted or minded.

Having a great CEO decision making mindset is the cornerstone of great business success.

You literally have to have the strongest, most highly coherent and flexible mind to make the best decisions  that leads and integrates all the parts of your business into a wholeness that  moves and flows in the direction of sustained protected achievement and progress for everyone.

Your mind has to be like a super fluid masterful conductor that creates rhythm and harmony in the orchestrate of people you lead.

To do this successfully day in and day out, without corrupting and diminishing yourself mentally, emotionally and physically, requires continual development your inner awareness and consciousness so your mind can survive and thrive admits the outer high pressure decisions, challenges and opportunities, especially during recessionary pressures.

Our purpose is to give you the knowledge, techniques, technologies and tools to be established in your infinite CEO Leadership Consciousness, which is beyond and the source of being in the zone and the flow state, to make impactful decisions that protect & grow what you want to create.
With even more CEO Decision Making Mastery no decision about any challenge, problem or opportunity will overshadow you because you have the capacity to easily handle anything that comes your way.

My business partner and I have spent 10 years being competitive athletes, 25 years combined being full time meditating monks, and 22 years working with CEOs of multi-million and billion revenue companies to ensure their minds are developed enough to make decisions that creates maximum protected value for all stakeholder.

We've served over 100 CEOs and executives in this regard resulting in over $11 billion in revenue growth & $8 billion in stock appreciation through removing obstacles to their protected achievement & progress within 30 days using our proprietary CEO development technologies, techniques and process. 

This is what the CEO Decision Making Mastery program is all about, and we're excited for you to have this mastery because the greatest thing we can ever conquer is our own mind in making decisions as the basis for conquering everything else with ease and grace.

Check out all the program entails below and say yes to developing even greater CEO Mind Mastery for even more protected achievement and progress for yourself and business.


Linius Technologies is becoming a leading player as a video virtualization engine.

Their tech allows audiences to choose the exact video moments they wish 
to see and instantly create personalized video compilations.

Read This Before Going ANY Further
From The Desk Of Raamon Newman
Co Founder / CEO New Mavericks
Kauai, Hawaii

As you know, being a CEO is not for the faint hearted or minded.

You literally have to have the strongest, most highly coherent and flexible mind to lead and integrate all the parts of your business into a wholeness the moves and flows in the direction of protected achievement and progress for everyone.

Your mind has to be like a super fluid masterful conductor that creates rhythm and harmony of the orchestrate of people you lead.

To do this successfully day in and day out, without corrupting and diminishing yourself mentally, emotionally and physically, requires continual inner development of your awareness and consciousness so your mind can survive and thrive admits the outer high pressure decisions, challenges and opportunities.
With even more CEO Mind Mastery then no decision, challenge, problem or opportunity overshadows you because you have the capacity to easily handle anything that comes your way.

My business partner and I have spent 10 years being competitive athletes, 25 years combined being full time meditating monks, and 22 years working with CEOs of multi-million and billion revenue companies to ensure their minds are developed enough to make decisions that creates maximum protected value for all stakeholder.s

This is what the CEO Mind Mastery program is all about, and we're excited for you to have this mastery because the greatest thing we can ever conquer is our own mind as the basis for conquering everything else with ease and grace.

Check out all the program entails below and say yes to developing even greater CEO Mind Mastery for yourself and business.
90 day program you'll get...

 Breakthrough Protection calls (2:1)

 3 x 60 minute 2:1 (business partner & I) calls to refine and pinpoint where your CEO Mind needs to evolve to create your next breakthrough and protect yourself.

Group Mastermind calls (12 CEOs)

7 x 60 minute calls that will dive deep into the foundational principles, practices, decisions 
and components 
of CEO Mind Mastery and application to current scenarios 
you have.

World Class Brain 

Introduction to a time and field proven 
mental technique for developing even more World Class Brain Coherence to see, trust and believe even more by one of the world's 
top neuroscientists.

Coherence Protection Technology

30 Day Coherence Creating Technology to remove obstacles to your evolution and enhance protection & coherent support from your stakeholders.

Perfect Health Supplement

Strengthens cellular memory of perfect health, mental clarity, connectivity & coherence, nervous sand immune systems.

The Science of Protection book

The Science of Protection: Making High Pressure Impactful Leadership Decisions that Protects You & Everyone in paperback, eBook & audio for you and your team.

Protection Quotient (PQ) Assessment

 Assesses your current leadership protection state and growth of the 6 components of
 CEO Mind Mastery.

Leadership Affirmation 

Affirmation audios to enliven more coherence, protection and abundance in your 
CEO mind.


Only for those who sign up by 31st December

Virtual Reality Leadership Simulation

A future view introduction of how to optimize cognitive thinking and decision making in a metaverse rehearsal to improve any critical project variables before execution.

Optimization Assessment

Individual, team & strategy alignment  assessment to optimize your & your teams personality behavioral type & talent with the right strategy to minimize execution risks, churn & burn, and missed targets.


To uncover & discover your readiness and capacity to scale.

Power Speaking Techniques

To  more powerfully project yourself to effectively influence and inspire.

 Private Linkedin Support Group

To interact, engage, share and network with your fellow CEO Mind Mastery members.


#1 - Learn the most effortless way to gain even more clarity to make the best decisions.

#2 - Having the right energy that enables things to happen more easily.

#3 - Having the awareness of what your environment (stakeholders) is reflecting to you.

#4 - The most powerful way to enliven even more coherence within yourself and company.

#5 - Attract the right people who align with your strategy.

#6 - Protect your progress through averting problems, threats and losses before they arise 

#7 - Seeing and  capitalizing on opportunities as they arise.

#8 - Removing any seen and unseen obstacles to greater progress, purpose and fulfillment.
We are fully accountable with you for making significant progress towards your #1 intention and what you want to experience in 90 days.

We'll review your progress at the end of 90 days.
 Have even greater CEO Mind Mastery to Positively Impact
 the Top Three Things CEOs Most Urgently Want to Fulfill...


CEO & Executive Group Program 
(12 members)

$12,500K USD

This includes all of the above 
features and bonuses 
(assuming you sign up by the 25th November)

Individual Personalize Program

$20K USD

This includes all of the above features (except the group calls) & bonuses  twice as many in 1 to 2 calls (6) plus check in calls between 60 min calls and twice as much Coherence Protection Technology & Nutritional Supplements.
There are only 12 spots available, we're taking applications till Tuesday 6th December 
to give you the quality attention and support you deserve.  

If This Page Is Online Right NowThen A Few Spots are Still Available...

Click YES! Let's Talk Now to schedule a call or email support@newmavericks.com 
to ask any questions and confirm your spot!
 Inside the CEO MIND MASTERY 90 day program you'll get...

 Breakthrough Protection calls (2:1)

 3 x 60 minute 2:1 (business partner & I) calls to refine and pinpoint where your CEO Mind needs to evolve to create your next breakthrough and protect yourself.

Group Mastermind calls (12 CEOs)

7 x 60 minute calls that will dive deep into the foundational principles, practices, decisions 
and components of CEO Mind Mastery and application to current scenarios you have.

World Class Brain 

Introduction to a time and field proven mental technique for developing even more World Class Brain Coherence to see, trust and believe even more 
by one of the world's top neuroscientists.

Coherence Protection Technology

30 Day Coherence Creating Technology to remove obstacles to your evolution and enhance protection & coherent support from your stakeholders.

Perfect Health Supplement

Strengthens cellular memory of perfect health, mental clarity, connectivity & coherence, nervous sand immune systems.

The Science of Protection book

The Science of Protection: Making High Pressure Impactful Leadership Decisions that Protects You & Everyone in paperback, eBook & audio for you and your team.

Protection Quotient (PQ) Assessment

 Assesses your current leadership protection state and growth of the 6 components of
 CEO Mind Mastery.

Leadership Affirmation 

Affirmation audios to enliven more coherence, protection and abundance in your 
CEO mind.


Only for those who sign up by 25th November 2022

Virtual Reality Leadership Simulation

A future view introduction of how to optimize cognitive thinking and decision making in a metaverse rehearsal to improve any critical project variables before execution.

Optimization Assessment

Individual, team & strategy alignment  assessment to optimize your & your teams personality behavioral type & talent with the right strategy to minimize execution risks, churn & burn, and missed targets.


To uncover & discover your readiness and capacity to scale.

Power Speaking Techniques

To  more powerfully project yourself to effectively
 influence and inspire.

 Private Linkedin Support Group

To interact, engage, share and network with your fellow CEO Mind Mastery members.


#1 - Learn the most effortless way to gain even more clarity to make the best decisions.

#2 - Having the right energy that enables things to happen more easily.

#3 - Having the awareness of what your environment (stakeholders) is reflecting to you.

#4 - The most powerful way to enliven even more coherence within yourself and company.

#5 - Attract the right people who align with your strategy.

#6 - Protect your progress through averting problems, threats and losses before they arise 

#7 - Seeing and  capitalizing on opportunities as they arise.

#8 - Removing any seen and unseen obstacles to greater progress, purpose and fulfillment.
We are fully accountable with you for making significant progress towards your #1 intention and what you want to experience in 90 days.

We'll review your progress at the end of 90 days.
 Have even greater 
CEO Mind Mastery 
to Positively Impact the Top Three Things CEOs Most Urgently Want 
to Fulfill...


CEO & Executive Group Program 
(12 members)

$12,500K USD

This includes all of the above features and bonuses 
(assuming you sign up by the 25th November)

Individual Personalized Program

$20K USD

This includes all of the above features (except the group calls) & bonuses  twice as many in 1 to 2 calls (6) plus check in calls between 60 min calls and twice as much Coherence Protection Technology & Nutritional Supplements.
There are only 12 spots available, we're taking applications till Tuesday 
6th December to give 
you the quality attention 
and support you deserve. 

If This Page Is Online Right NowThen A Few Spots are Still Available...

Click YES! Let's Talk Now to 
schedule a call or email support@newmavericks.com to ask questions & confirm your spot!

$1B to nearly $11B in 11 years in a 
tight margin highly competitive industry

"Organizing the biggest deal in our corporate history involved long hours, tight time frames and multiple go / no-go hurdles & multiple possibilities for stress. Despite this, I personally felt like I was the eye of the storm…all is calm & relaxed...as a result, the deal fell into place.

I can hand-on-heart tell you these two non-executive advisors have made a huge impact on both myself and our company. They’ve helped me focus on the things that generate far greater results.

Essentially, they made my thinking sharper, helped me see more clearly & make better decisions – unlike any coach or consultant I’ve ever worked with, they're business partners to the company.

Their wisdom, insights, support, and value has made a profound difference in enhancing my experience as a leader in a very competitive tight margin industry and is something I haven’t found anywhere else.”

Mark Waller
Former Chairman & CEO of EBOS Group
New Zealand CEO of Year 2010 & Business Hall of Fame 2019

Filtering The Clutter To Be More Focused

"My industry is full of geopolitical noise and operates in a market that has a complex supply chain before arriving  at the end user. 

Prior to working with Raamon & Paolo I often felt my mind was bombarded with noise and confusion.

I find their approach provides me the process to filter the clutter and be more focused. By reinforcing what I already know provides me clarity to focus on the important messages."

Gavin Lockyer,
CEO Arafura Resources Ltd (ASX 300 company)

Better Handling the Challenges of Fast Growth

“These guys are deep thinkers. 

They help me think outside my limitations and the blocks I have created. 

They assist me to see myself based on my potential. 
As I change my view of myself the perceived problem also changes.

They are very insightful and make the complex simple and useful. 
They are truly trusted advisors”

Phil Prosser
Founder / CEO Feedback ASAP
(Top CX advisor to McDonald's & FedEx)

Staff turnover dropped 77%, 
engagement jumped 55%, sales accelerated

“We wasted years trying to get momentum & traction. 

It was frustrating and I was at a loss…

❑ I used to lie in bed at night worrying.

❑ I used to get stopped by roadblocks I couldn’t see past.

❑ I used to be stressed all the time.

Now I don’t...it seems counterintuitive, but the less I’ve struggled the more successful my team has become."

Kelvin Hyland
Former GM EBOS Healthcare, Now MD Ossis

From Life or Death to Protected Progress

"I was fortunate to have met Raamon 6 years ago at a turning point of my life, a life or death moment for me. 

The first protection insight I learned from them was that protection starts inside me. 

Once I knew how to protect myself from myself things got much better. I now have the tools to manifest the business and life I want.

This program is for leaders who want to learn the skills required to PROTECT what they value most and bring more fulfillment to all areas. 

They are the worlds best protection partners for any CEO."

Peta Wilson
Actress / Inventor
Wellness Entrepreneur

From Stress & Survival to Clarity & Progress

"They have provided exactly what I was looking for at the time, that being the ability to reduce stress and to provide clarity which has then allowed me to become more creative with my thinking. 

If you feel you need additional support and protection in your role then I would highly recommend an initial chat to see if they can help you. 

I truly believe Raamon and Paolo can provide you and your business with an unfair advantage."

John Annand
Former CEO Advanced Braking Technology

Better Control of Emotions & 
Thinking To Be More Effective

"Working with Raamon & Paolo is time well spent. 

They helped my thinking process and patterns on how to attack certain things in the right way. It was a strengthening mental exercise that’s given me better control over emotions and thinking patterns to know what is more effective. 

Knowing how to find peace and quiet has helped me not get overwhelmed. Their guidance has been valuable in helping be more centered as I continue on the journey. 

Their approach was different than the usual process based training I’ve had in the past."

Rick Smith
VP of Business Development
Vicinity Energy

More Clarity & Certainty for 
Protected Business Growth

“Through working with Paolo and Raamon I’ve have gained more clarity and certainly a better realization of the importance of developing the mind.

As a by-product I physically feel better, I now I am thinking more clearly and see solutions with greater ease. 

While the rewards are on a personal level, I feel the whole team has now a more focused manager with greater conviction. 

Thanks again, I enjoy the sessions.”

Bernie Davies
GM of EBOS International

100% Jump in Close Rate on Major Deals

“I used to walk into a big client meeting with  a 30-page presentation. 

Today, I walk in with a single page. 

And since I’ve been doing this because of the clarity I've gained with this program…my close rate  on major deals has jumped by 100%. 

I refer to it as my “x-factor.”  And it doesn’t just apply to negotiating deals... 

It spreads across daily negotiations."

Stefan Crooks, Managing Director, Westie Foods

From Struggling to Breakeven 
to Having the Midas Touch

"I feel like I’ve been supercharged over this last year of working with you guys. I wake up earlier with more creativity. I seem to have more time in my day even though I’m busy. I’m more “in the now” than I have ever been. 

My staffs are commenting that everything I touch is turning to gold.

I find I am more aware to avoid getting tired, as I now know this prevents the wheels from falling off. 

I’ve realized I no longer want to face challenges and problems like in the past, I want more of the experience I’m now having as a business leader; I find I am having more and more support from nature. Where have you guys been, thank you for guiding me in culturing this kind of support.”

Jason Gunn
Founder Oliver’s Real Foods
The World’s First Organic Fast Food Chain 
Nominee Australian Entrepreneur of the Year 2015

Dramatic Transformation of Energy & Performance

"New Mavericks have been a catalyst for very dramatic changes of me on many levels personal and professional.

Having a team of people with high quality attention intently focused on my personal and company growth has brought about a number of surprising positive transformations.

I have a greater sense of invincibility, inner peace and affluence as a result of their empowering intentions and attention as well as their profound insights and wisdom.

If you are looking for a new and profound way to transform your personal energy and performance, and that of your business, I highly recommend having an introductory call with the team at New Mavericks to experience the effect they have in minimizing negativity, removing obstacles, creating clarity about yourself and your business which bring about enhanced well-being and good fortune.”

Tim Hawthorne
Founder Hawthorne Direct
Direct Response Advertising Hall of Famer
There are only 12 spots available, we're taking applications till Tuesday 
31st December to give you the quality attention and support you deserve. 

If This Page Is Online Right NowThen A Few Spots are Still Available...

Click YES! Let's Talk Now to schedule a call or email support@newmavericks.com 
to ask any questions and confirm your spot!


Raamon Newman
 Co Founder & CEO of New Mavericks

He's Co Author of The Science of Achievement: Making High Pressure Impactful Leadership Decisions that Protect You & Everyone.

He's a former top three nationally ranked track athlete, 2-time National cross country team winner, 4-time state championship winning rugby player, entrepreneur, 10-year full-time meditating monk, Meisner trained actor & philanthropist for peace projects and youth education. He graduated from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, with a Bachelor’s of Commerce in Marketing.

While engaged in acting training in NYC during the 2007-8 global financial crisis, he realized a calling to help protect & enhance leaders’ achievement, progress & fulfillment through deeper inner development of their leadership capacity and awareness. This helps them make the best decisions, which protects the interests and success of everyone. This has become his passionate life purpose. 

He gives and supports devoted monks who are full time helping create more peace in the world and has been a guest speaker with the YouthBizAlliance.com sharing with senior high school students how to be in their unique leadership state to experience more protected achievement and progress in this age of acceleration.

“We enable courageous CEO’s & executives to have even more clarity, coherence, creativity and capacity through proven approaches and timely relevant outside-the-box insights & support (you can’t find online, in books or at seminars) to achieve breakthrough protected achievement in less time.” 

- Raamon Newman

Paolo D'Angelo
 Co Founder & Executive Chairman of New Mavericks

He's Co Author of The Science of Achievement: Making High Pressure Impactful Leadership Decisions that Protect You & Everyone.

Paolo came from a background of not graduating high school to being a competitive bodybuilder and personal trainer owning his own gym, security company, and sport / entertainment ticket selling business. At the age of 25 he realized that true fulfillment really started on the inside. 

He then devoted himself to 15 years meditating full-time 8 hours per day, 7 days per week, with six of those years 7,000 feet up in the Himalayas, for his own personal development, enlightenment, and contribution to world peace.

Since the age of 19 he’s always been around wealthy influential business leaders who have seen him as a great trusted advisor because of his spontaneous timely street wise insights. For the last 25 years he's travelled extensively around the world helping CEOs & executives have greater leadership capacity, protection & support so they lead from a place of fulfillment & peace rather than stress & fear. 

His passionate purpose is helping good and great leaders evolve into more enlightened, awake, alert and agile leaders. He is a philanthropist for peace projects and nuns. He also volunteers to personally support women going through trauma and difficult relationship challenges.

“We have the skill of knowing what is going on with leaders and what they MUST KNOW & DO right now to transform their awareness to create positive effective & engaging relationships, have good support & protection in market fluctuations and disruptions, and long successful tenures in good health (mentally, emotionally & physically)." 

- Paolo D'Angelo


You'll also be introduced to special guest partners of 
New Mavericks during our 90 day program including:

- One of the world's top Ayurvedic  Doctor's in preventative medicine.

 - World leading neuroscientist on world class leadership brain functioning and top meditation teacher.

- Business scaling & dashboard expert.

- World leading professor in Virtual Reality Future View Rehearsals for improving leadership cognitive functioning prior to execution.


$1B to nearly $11B 
in 11 years in a 
tight margin highly competitive industry

"Organizing the biggest deal in our corporate history involved long hours, tight time frames and multiple go / no-go hurdles & multiple possibilities for stress. Despite this, I personally felt like I was the eye of the storm…all is calm & relaxed...as a result, the deal fell into place.

I can hand-on-heart tell you these two non-executive advisors have made a huge impact on both myself and our company. They’ve helped me focus on the things that generate far greater results.

Essentially, they made my thinking sharper, helped me see more clearly & make better decisions – unlike any coach or consultant I’ve ever worked with, they're business partners to the company.

Their wisdom, insights, support, and value has made a profound difference in enhancing my experience as a leader in a very competitive tight margin industry and is something I haven’t found anywhere else.”

Mark Waller
Now Former Chairman & CEO 
EBOS Group
New Zealand CEO of Year 2010 & Business Hall of Fame 2019

Filtering The Clutter To Be More Focused

"My industry is full of geopolitical noise and operates in a market that has a complex supply chain before arriving  at the end user. 

Prior to working with Raamon & Paolo I often felt my mind was bombarded with noise and confusion.

I find their approach provides me the process to filter the clutter and be more focused. By reinforcing what I already know provides me clarity to focus on the important messages."

Gavin Lockyer,
CEO Arafura Resources Ltd (ASX 300 company)

Better Handling
 the Challenges of 
Fast Growth

“These guys are deep thinkers. 

They help me think outside my limitations and the blocks I have created. 

They assist me to see myself based on my potential. 
As I change my view of myself the perceived problem also changes.

They are very insightful and make the complex simple and useful. 
They are truly trusted advisors”

Phil Prosser
Founder / CEO Feedback ASAP
(Top CX advisor to McDonald's & FedEx)

Staff turnover dropped 77%, 
engagement jumped 55%, sales accelerated

“We wasted years trying to get momentum & traction. 

It was frustrating and I was at a loss…

❑ I used to lie in bed at night worrying.

❑ I used to get stopped by roadblocks I couldn’t see past.

❑ I used to be stressed all the time.

Now I don’t...it seems counterintuitive, but the less I’ve struggled the more successful my team has become."

Kelvin Hyland
Former GM EBOS Healthcare, Now MD Ossis

From Life or Death to Protected Progress

"I was fortunate to have met Raamon 6 years ago at a turning point of my life, a life or death moment for me. 

The first protection insight I learned from them was that protection starts inside me. 

Once I knew how to protect myself from myself things got much better. I now have the tools to manifest the business and life I want.

This program is for leaders who want to learn the skills required to PROTECT what they value most and bring more fulfillment to all areas. 

They are the worlds best protection partners for any CEO."

Peta Wilson
Actress / Inventor
Wellness Entrepreneur

From Stress & Survival to Clarity & Progress

"They have provided exactly what I was looking for at the time, that being the ability to reduce stress and to provide clarity which has then allowed me to become more creative with my thinking. 

If you feel you need additional support and protection in your role then I would highly recommend an initial chat to see if they can help you. 

I truly believe Raamon and Paolo can provide you and your business with an unfair advantage."

John Annand
Former CEO Advanced Braking Technology

Better Control 
of Emotions & 
Thinking To Be
 More Effective

"Working with Raamon & Paolo is time well spent. 

They helped my thinking process and patterns on how to attack certain things in the right way. It was a strengthening mental exercise that’s given me better control over emotions and thinking patterns to know what is more effective. 

Knowing how to find peace and quiet has helped me not get overwhelmed. Their guidance has been valuable in helping be more centered as I continue on the journey. 

Their approach was different than the usual process based training I’ve had in the past."

Rick Smith
VP of Business Development
Vicinity Energy

More Clarity & Certainty for 
Protected Business Growth

“Through working with Paolo and Raamon I’ve have gained more clarity and certainly a better realization of the importance of developing the mind.

As a by-product I physically feel better, I now I am thinking more clearly and see solutions with greater ease. 

While the rewards are on a personal level, I feel the whole team has now a more focused manager with greater conviction. 

Thanks again, I enjoy the sessions.”

Bernie Davies
GM of EBOS International

100% Jump in Close Rate on Major Deals

“I used to walk into a big client meeting with  a 30-page presentation. 

Today, I walk in with a single page. 

And since I’ve been doing this because of the clarity I've gained with this program…my close rate  on major deals has jumped by 100%. 

I refer to it as my “x-factor.”  And it doesn’t just apply to negotiating deals... 

It spreads across daily negotiations."

Stefan Crooks, Managing Director, Westie Foods

From Struggling to Breakeven to Having the Midas Touch

"I feel like I’ve been supercharged over this last year of working with you guys. I wake up earlier with more creativity. I seem to have more time in my day even though I’m busy. I’m more “in the now” than I have ever been. 

My staffs are commenting that everything I touch is turning to gold.

I find I am more aware to avoid getting tired, as I now know this prevents the wheels from falling off. 

I’ve realized I no longer want to face challenges and problems like in the past, I want more of the experience I’m now having as a business leader; I find I am having more and more support from nature. Where have you guys been, thank you for guiding me in culturing this kind of support.”

Jason Gunn
Founder Oliver’s Real Foods
The World’s First Organic Fast Food Chain 
Nominee Australian Entrepreneur of the Year 2015

Dramatic Transformation of Energy & Performance

"New Mavericks have been a catalyst for very dramatic changes of me on many levels personal and professional.

Having a team of people with high quality attention intently focused on my personal and company growth has brought about a number of surprising positive transformations.

I have a greater sense of invincibility, inner peace and affluence as a result of their empowering intentions and attention as well as their profound insights and wisdom.

If you are looking for a new and profound way to transform your personal energy and performance, and that of your business, I highly recommend having an introductory call with the team at New Mavericks to experience the effect they have in minimizing negativity, removing obstacles, creating clarity about yourself and your business which bring about enhanced well-being and good fortune.”

Tim Hawthorne
Founder, Hawthorne Direct,
Direct Response Advertising Hall of Famer
There are only 12 spots available, we're taking applications till Tuesday 6th December to give 
you the quality attention 
and support you deserve. 

Click YES! Let's Talk Now to schedule a call or email support@newmavericks.com
 to ask any questions & confirm 
your spot!


Raamon Newman
Co Founder / CEO 
New Mavericks 

He's Co Author of The Science of Achievement: Making High Pressure Impactful Leadership Decisions that Protect You & Everyone.

He's a former top three nationally ranked track athlete, 2-time National cross country team winner, 4-time state championship winning rugby player, entrepreneur, 10-year full-time meditating monk, Meisner trained actor & philanthropist for peace projects and youth education. He graduated from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, with a Bachelor’s of Commerce in Marketing.

While engaged in acting training in NYC during the 2007-8 global financial crisis, he realized a calling to help protect & enhance leaders’ achievement, progress & fulfillment through deeper inner development of their leadership capacity and awareness. This helps them make the best decisions, which protects the interests and success of everyone. This has become his passionate life purpose. 

He gives and supports devoted monks who are full time helping create more peace in the world and has been a guest speaker with the YouthBizAlliance.com sharing with senior high school students how to be in their unique leadership state to experience more protected achievement and progress in this age of acceleration.

“We enable courageous CEO’s & executives to have even more clarity, coherence, creativity and capacity through proven approaches and timely relevant outside-the-box insights & support (you can’t find online, in books or at seminars) to achieve breakthrough protected achievement in less time.” 

- Raamon Newman

Paolo D'Angelo
Co Founder & Chief Development Officer
 New Mavericks

He's Co Author of The Science of Achievement: Making High Pressure Impactful Leadership Decisions that Protect You & Everyone.

Paolo came from a background of not graduating high school to being a competitive bodybuilder and personal trainer owning his own gym, security company, and sport / entertainment ticket selling business. At the age of 25 he realized that true fulfillment really started on the inside. 

He then devoted himself to 15 years meditating full-time 8 hours per day, 7 days per week, with six of those years 7,000 feet up in the Himalayas, for his own personal development, enlightenment, and contribution to world peace.

Since the age of 19 he’s always been around wealthy influential business leaders who have seen him as a great trusted advisor because of his spontaneous timely street wise insights. For the last 25 years he's travelled extensively around the world helping CEOs & executives have greater leadership capacity, protection & support so they lead from a place of fulfillment & peace rather than stress & fear. 

His passionate purpose is helping good and great leaders evolve into more enlightened, awake, alert and agile leaders. He is a philanthropist for peace projects and nuns. He also volunteers to personally support women going through trauma and difficult relationship challenges.

“We have the skill of knowing what is going on with leaders and what they MUST KNOW & DO right now to transform their awareness to create positive effective & engaging relationships, have good support & protection in market fluctuations and disruptions, and long successful tenures in good health (mentally, emotionally & physically)." 

- Paolo D'Angelo


You'll also be introduced to special guest  partners of  New Mavericks during our 
90 day program including:

- One of the world's top Ayurvedic  Doctor's in preventative medicine.

 - World leading neuroscientist on world class leadership brain functioning and top meditation teacher.

- Business scaling & dashboard expert.

- World leading professor in Virtual Reality Future View Rehearsals for improving leadership cognitive functioning prior to execution.

There are only 12 spots available, we're taking applications till Tuesday 
6th December to give 
you the quality attention 
and support you deserve. 

Click YES! Let's Talk Now to schedule a call or email support@newmavericks.com to ask any questions & confirm your spot!
Copyright 2022 Raam Global Consulting LLC - New Mavericks - CEO Mind Mastery. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2022 Raam Global Consulting LLC - 
New Mavericks - CEO Mind Mastery 
 All rights reserved.